Monday, August 20, 2012

Roll Call: Billy Long no longer fed up

An article in today's Roll Call labels Seventh District Congressman Billy Long as part of the problem he went to Washington to solve. The problem is all of the meals Long is having with special interests:

"Is this a dinner with key constituents from your district ... or is this you're hanging out with some lobbyists and talking over campaign strategy over a really expensive meal?" (Clyde, a professor of government at Georgetown University) Wilcox said. "The ethics of it is about morality."
That tension has become intense in a climate in which it has become fashionable for even incumbents to rail against the Washington establishment and career politicians. The FEC filings show that some Members appear to have embraced some of the trappings they derided on the stump.
Freshman Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.), who earned his seat by declaring he was "fed up" with Washington and its career politicos, spent more than $6,500 on a handful of fundraisers at venues such as Charlie Palmer Steak and Hill Country Barbecue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No longer "fed up," just well fed! How quickly they come down with "Potomac Fever."