Tuesday, August 07, 2012

McCaskill to Todd Akin: You're the one that I want

(From the Claire McCaskill campaign)

Tonight, voters across Missouri learned Todd Akin has pulled off a victory in the Republicans' bruising Senate primary, a race in which Akin repeatedly voiced support for positions that are beyond the mainstream of Missouri's working families: privatizing Social Security and Medicare, ending federal support for student loans and raising taxes on working families to pay for tax giveaways to Big Oil and mega-millionaires. 

"This election is now a clear choice, and it boils down to a very simple question: whose side are you on?" said McCaskill. "Todd Akin has made it clear he would side with extreme politicians in Washington to privatize Medicare and Social Security, end student loans, and protect tax giveaways for corporations that ship Missouri jobs overseas. When Missourians have a chance to hear what Akin really stands for, they'll take a look at my record and see that I've always been an independent voice standing on the side of Missouri's families." 

Now that Republicans have selected a challenger to run against Claire McCaskill, the campaign becomes a clear choice between Claire, a Senator standing on the side of Missouri's families, and Akin, who's led the charge for an extreme agenda that most Missourians reject. 

Throughout the primary campaign, Akin repeatedly gave voice to positions that show how extreme he is, and how willing he would be to throw middle class families under the bus to protect tax breaks for the mega-wealthy and tax giveaways to Big Oil. 

For more than a year, nearly $16 million has been spent attacking Claire, many of that from secret money attack groups, because the special interests know that Akin would be a consistent vote for their agenda while Claire's been a moderate, independent voice taking on the special interests, standing up to her own party and fighting for Missouri's working families. 

Beginning today, Missourians have a clear choice between Claire, a Senator on their side, and Akin, a politician on the side of extreme Washinton interests. McCaskill for Missouri 2012 will spend the next three months making sure Missourians clearly understand what's at stake in this election.

1 comment:

Mari Winn said...

...so, are we to believe that all it took for Akin to win was an endorsement from Huckabee (apparently beloved of all conservative Repubs) rather than a true understanding of what he stood for? God forbid that most people should do their own thinking....let alone having to read something.